Laucke Red Hen Free Range 20kg

$31.50 each


Red Hen Free Range Green Layer Mix is a high energy, premium quality poultry breeder and layer food formulated to be fed to all classes of breeding and laying poultry. This high specification diet is nutritionally balanced and contains all essential nutrients necessary for high production, fertility, and hatchability. Red Hen Free Range Layer is a mixture of whole and rolled grains fortified with vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients which are included in a micro pellet, coated with vegetable oil and molasses. This is a medication and meat free diet.


Wheat, triticale, barley, oats, peas, lupins, lentils, beans, corn, soyabean, canola, sunflower, vegetable oil, molasses, limestone, di-calcium phosphate, sodium bicarbonate, salt, lysine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan, antioxidant, natural egg yolk pigments and enzymes.

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