Rocky Point Cow Manure Plus 30L

$9.45 each


Plants flourish in Rocky Point low-odour Cow Manure because of its ability to simultaneously increase water retention whilst boosting nutrient-producing microbial activity. This dual-action effect is perfect for growing healthy veggies and is safe to use on any plant in your garden. Certified organic this enriched blend of composted, mature cow manure is a natural choice for any gardener looking to grow healthy produce at home. Cow Manure is fully composted, therefore very low in odour Provides excellent amounts of organic matter and nutrients into the soil Cow Manure is a great retainer of moisture for the soil Improves the soil structure and encourages earthworms and microbial activity The product is environmentally friendly. Promotes plant growth in a natural organic way Prepared and tested under strict conditions, this product is certified as an Australian Certified Organic Allowed Input