Bos Bag

$145.19 each


Designed and trialled at Kandanga Farm by HRM graduates and Certified Organic cattle farmers, Tim & Amber Scott, the BOS BAG is a simple, chemical free and effective means of treating livestock with non-residual, powder fly control products. The refillable dustbag can be loaded with 4-5kg of Grainsave™ (an on-label insecticide grade fine-ground DE). This powder carries labels for insect management, has no WHP and no residual and has no effect on Dung Beetle populations. It’s a contact only insecticide made of a crushed rock then precision ground to <10 Microns (unlike fertiliser grade DE products of 100+ Microns). Bos Bags have recently been refined to make them even more robust and when used with Grainsave, are a cost-effective way to manage fly and other biting insects for less than 2c/hd/day (powder cost). Animals self-medicate so usage rates vary but generally one bag will be needed per 50-60 animals and one refill lasts about a month. Anecdotally however, in time-controlled, high density grazing scenarios, less bags are needed due to the lower required coverage to still achieve insect contact. Use as part of an integrated approach to parasite management with Bos Lik (or other Sulphur + Allicin nutritional supplements), breed/animal selection, grazing management, traps, dung-beetle population enhancing management practices (getting rid of systemic chemicals) and other measures that break insect breeding cycles and build natural resilience.

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